NaNoWriMo 2023: Progress Report
The news is not good, I’m afraid. Progress is slow and with only nine uninterrupted work days remaining in the month and 45 000 words left to my target, prospects for success are not looking up.
Neither is my health. I have caught some lurgy from my dear wife, who has been coughing and spluttering and being thoroughly miserable the past few days,
However, I have managed to link up two chapters. Heath, a crucial part of the tale where the client engages Holmes, with Cigar, where Holmes and Watson discuss the case.
The chapter names are deliberately obscure. I have selected them from the random list of Wordle winners. There are going to be a great many red herrings and dead ends and I don’t want there to be any clues in the titles.
On the database app front, I am learning more about Appsheet. Right now there’s not much that I can’t do with a spreadsheet but the relational model is beginning to pay off, as I identified a duplicate chapter name when entering links.
In theory, it would be great to plot it all out as an actual map of chapters, colour-coded with links, showing the terrain as yet unplotted and unwritten. I may have to do this on paper: I don’t know if Appsheet can do anything like this, and I certainly am not up to it with my current low level of skill.