My Lego experience goes back to the Sixties and it was a very different time. We still had fun even if all we had were a few bricks and plates. I remember the excitement of having wheels. And roof tiles. And OMG, windows!
There were instructions but they were just to show you how the bits worked together to make something. Nobody ever built the house or the blocky tractor or whatever and stuck it on a shelf to gather dust.
The thing got torn down and built into something else. Several times a day.
Lego was lucky to survive the 90s IMHO.
I bought a bucket of bricks yesterday. Some of it was Lego, some Mega, some unbranded. Fifteen bucks for maybe a hundred bricks and a little square red bucket. Normally I would not have looked at this but there was a pullback motor in it.
God, but we would have killed for that back when we were kids.
There were also some old-school wheels and bricks to stick them to. The wheels with red hubs with studs on and a built in stub axle.
Don't want that old stuff. Would have killed for them once upon a time, but those days are gone.
Lego has moved on and are facing different challenges. Still, I buy Duplo for my grandaughter and she has a fabulous time with it.