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Skyrant: Democracy
What’s wrong with modern democracy?
Might be a good time to say what I think of the world today.
The idea of democracy is that everybody gets a voice. Because it is impractical to have a show of hands on every bit of government (hands up those in favour of financial regulation FR 109(a)(ii) changing “may” in the second sentence to “must”) we elect representatives, and they divide their time between their constituency and the legislature.
It’s not perfect, but it’s better than every other system.
Separation of the various bodies of the State is vital. Politicians should have no say in the courts, government should be distinct from legislature, religion and big business must be kept at arm’s length. In a federation, the states and the central government should have their own responsibilities. The media needs to be independent.
When any of these groups get too cozy with one another, the people always wind up on the short end of the stick because there is little or no electoral review of decisions made in private.
Big business and government need to work together, but not walk arm in arm. Rampant capitalism serves only to give those with money more, and those without, the bare minimum…